
Author:Hayo Magazine

10 Crazy Hotels around the World

When it comes to accommodation, most lodgings fall under one of 3 categories: you've got your luxury, billion-dollar-a-night resorts, your bare bones hostels, and your middle-of-the-road chains. But then you've got hotels so insanely bizarre that they deserve their own category: crazy. And in case...

Travel Stories Round-Up

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s our weekly round-up of some of the best travel-related articles online for you to enjoy. If you’ve got a story you’d like to share for an upcoming round-up (it can be your own!), be sure to follow us on Twitter @HayoMagazine and tag your...

7 Unusual Methods of Public Transport in Asia

Public transportation is any traveler's key to success. It allows you to move through the country, experience the people, and at times forces your personal bubble to be flat-out popped. Most countries have the obvious ways of getting around—taxis, buses, a tram or metro-line of...