
Author:Hayo Magazine

Imagine Ethiopia: Your Ticket To Self-Discovery

Imagine dancing to the beat of drums played by proud elders around a bonfire under the stars. Imagine climbing a cliff face to reach a semi-monolithic sixth-century church in the middle of the Gheralta mountain range. Imagine learning the art of injera baking with a...

Travel Stories Round-Up

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s our weekly round-up of some of the best travel-related articles online for you to enjoy. If you’ve got a story you’d like to share for an upcoming round-up (it can be your own!), be sure to follow us on Twitter @HayoMagazine and tag your...

15 Mouthwatering African Dishes

Over the past few months, we've taken you on a culinary tour through Europe and Asia; now, it's Africa's turn to shine! The continent is home to some very tasty dishes that reflect the surroundings and history of their country of origin. Have you tried any...

10 of South Africa’s Most Beautiful Wine Districts

In July, we showed you 10 of Europe's most beautiful wine regions; now it's time to turn the spotlight on the incredible wine districts of South Africa. Blessed with stunning landscapes and fertile soils ideal for growing a wide variety of grapes, South Africa is...

19 Amazing African Animals

When it comes to animals, Africa rules supreme---the continent is home to some of the most beloved, iconic, and, um, strange animals around. From lions and leopards to antelopes and aye ayes, here are 19 of Africa's most amazing animals. Be sure to show your...