

A Walk Through The Wynwood Art District in Miami – PHOTOS

Miami Art Basel 2014 was a fantastic mix of art, culture, people (and people watching) and parties. My favorite part of it all was walking through the Wynwood Art District where you can see street artists from all over the world, from Os Gemeos to...

This Is the Winner for the #HayoTravel Photo Contest And Finalists!

Earlier this month we launched our first photo contest "What's Your Favorite Travel Moment" to win the perfect Herschel Travel Duffle Bag. After hundreds of submissions, the contest was closed this week and our judges decided among the best submissions the winner for the #HayoTravel photo...

What Is A ‘Global Nomad’ Anyways?

We hear the term ' Global Nomad'  on every travel blog, website and magazine but what exactly IS it? We gain the definition to this mystery figure from a true global nomad herself — Juliana Mendez.  [caption id="attachment_2922" align="alignleft" width="372"] Photo By: Pajamas and Coffee[/caption] Living the live...

The 5 Best Things About Bermuda

Bermuda is one of those islands that is on the forefront of travelers mind to explore, but challenging to reach. It is a pricey destination because of its location in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Many mistake the island for the Caribbean because of...

Meet The Judges For The Photo Contest To Win A Herschel Duffle

We have put together a team of amazing and talented judges from around the world to evaluate the incredible submissions we've been getting so far for the "What's your favorite travel moment' photo contest. They are the ones who will select the winner and so...