

Bringing the Latino Flavor to Art Basel with Cosa Nuestra Shabbat

Join us for our latest installment of Cosa Nuestra, as we bring the essence of Puerto Rico and Latinoamerica to Miami during Art Basel. Featuring award-winning chefs from Puerto Rico, this will be an evening to discover and enjoy different elements of the Latino culture...

5 Second Vacay in Jordan

This is just a little tease of the amazing trip we had in Jordan with Visit Jordan. I have many stories to share and they will all come in time, but for now, a quick overview of all the places we visited because I don't...

Our 2017 Holiday Gift Guide For Creative Travellers On The Go

With the holidays fast approaching, it's hard to find the time to search for the perfect gift for friends and family that's thoughtful and fits their needs. Whether you're a jet-setter, hopping on a plane to explore some new exotic place, or you're jumping in...

5 Of The World’s Wonders You Need To Experience

Recently returning from our amazing trip to Petra, Jordan, we felt a deep connection with this city and its cultural history. One that was hard to explain. Among other awe-inspiring places around the world that we've visited, we've put together a list of beautiful places...

5 Seconds In Brooklyn, New York

It's hard to pick just 5 places to go in Brooklyn because there are so many options to choose from that you can get lost down the rabbit hole. But, for the sake of compiling our favourite picks and what we feel are some of...