
Author:Hayo Magazine

BRIEF: Sonia Chhinji Founder of Woodlot on Travel Preferences

    On this edition of the BRIEF, we want to introduce you to our colleague and friend Sonia Chhinji, co-founder of Woodlot, a home and clean body products line made from simple and quality ingredients. Sonia and her co-founder and partner in life Fouad, started this...

Brief: Toast Meets Jam Founder Jen Hacker Talks Travel

    Meet Jennifer Hacker, founder and host of Toast Meet Jam, a community for new and aspiring women entrepreneur to share advice and coaching tips on how to make a living out of what you love. With video interviews, Jen has been able to unveil some of the...

A Mural Festival That Changed Vancouver’s Face

Earlier this month we hosted a guided bike tour, in partnership with the bike sharing service Mobi, of the newly created murals after the first ever Vancouver Mural Festival celebrated in the city. Our very own Joanna Riquett took 20 people around the Mount Pleasant...

Brief: Venice Beach Restauranteur & Designer Breegan Jane

  Designer and owner of the new and very popular Venice Beach restaurant Leona, Breegan Jane is our girl crush of the week. Breegan is a designer that began her career at the age of 18 when for the first time she had to decorate her own...

Brief: Q&A with Marketing Maven Sunny Lenarduzzi

    Sunny Lenarduzzi has inspired our business model in so many ways. Her fun and creative videos are helping millions of people understand and use social media to their best potential, especially video. Not only that, she also helps people live their lives on their own...

Brief: With NYC Doctor Robin Berzin MD

    Meet Robin Berzin MD, doctor in Functional Medicine and Founder & CEO of Parsley Health, a company that offers a new approach to health, taking into consideration your medical history, habits, food, environment and all the things that affect your life and influence your health....