TED Shabbat Dinner Hosted by Hayo Brings Together Leaders in Tech & Media
To wrap up TED week, Hayo hosted a TED Shabbat Dinner that brought together 40 personalities of the tech, media, and education industries of Vancouver mixed with visitors attending TED. The occasion was to celebrate the end of a wonderful week where Hayo earned an award as Best Niche Magazine in Canada and attendees were able to decompress and rejoice of the company of friends.
The theme of the dinner was based on Isabel Behncke Izquierdo’s TED talk that spoke about the gift of play and how apes (bonobos to be specific) and humans need to play and use games in order to feel alive, maintain health, creativity, and social bonds. During her talk at TED en Español, the newest section of the conference, Isabel related the way bonobos use play, laughs, and risk to bond with other members of their groups (and other groups too) to the festivals in the human culture, like Burning Man. She asserts that the collective celebration connects humans, improves the quality of life, and increases creativity. Guests of the dinner were received with a mini experiment related to the topic and were invited to think how can play help communities with their challenges.
The event was possible thanks to the support of Invoke, Quietly, La Stella wines, The Charles & Lynn Schusterman Foundation, and Chef Juno Kim.
Beautiful photographs by John Fong. If you want to attend one of these dinners that we host in NYC, Vancouver or LA, and other cities coming soon, subscribe to our mailing list.