
Tips for Traveling with Pets

Traveling with your pet can be a hassle, but being armed with the right knowledge before heading off on your trip will ensure your journey is a smooth one. These 10 simple tips are just the starting point for having a fun and stress-free vacation with your pet, however; to check out great, pet friendly locations around the world, websites such as Bring Fido and DogFriendly are very helpful. Happy travels, pet-lovers!

Have you traveled long-distance with a pet before? Any tips? Let us know in the comments!

Top Tips for Traveling with Your Pets

By Hayo Magazine

  • Start Small

    By Hayo Magazine

    To see how well your pet can cope with traveling long distances (whether it's by car or air), do a few smaller trips first to break them in gently.

  • Furnish Your Car with Pet Accessories

    By Hayo Magazine

    To ensure your pet's safety and comfort, keep an eye out for items such as pet harnesses (that hold dogs in their seats to make driving safe for both of you), waterproof seat covers, and floor liners.

  • Don't Feed Your Pets While Driving

    By Hayo Magazine

    Pets can easily get motion sickness, so be careful about overfeeding them before you go, and don't feed them when the car is moving. If you're going on a long trip, take snack breaks every few hours.

  • Visit the Vet at the Right Time

    By Hayo Magazine

    If you're flying with your pet, chances are you might need a health certificate from your vet. Don't go too early before your trip though–if your note is over 10 days old, it may be rejected. 

  • Do Your Research on Pet-Friendly Hotels

    By Hayo Magazine

    Before you go, thoroughly research options for pet-friendly places. Don't take their word that they're "pet-friendly"–make sure there's plenty of green space to bring your pet for some fresh air.

  • Be Wary of Medicating

    By Hayo Magazine

    Many people consider a tranquilizer for their pet when traveling, but these have mixed reviews–they can have negative effects on your pet's digestion and should be used carefully. 

  • Ensure Your Pet Gets Exercise before "Crating"

    By Hayo Magazine

    To ensure your pet will be as calm as possible when you put them in their carrier, make sure they've had plenty of exercise (and bathroom breaks) beforehand.

  • Do Trial Runs in a Pet Store

    By Hayo Magazine

    If you're planning on bringing your pet out to pet-friendly stores and other indoor places on your trip, make sure they're comfortable being in such an environment–go for a trial run at a pet store. 

  • Invest in a Thundershirt

    By Hayo Magazine

    For anxious pets, a Thundershirt is a vet-approved alternative to sedatives–its snug fit relaxes animals by targeting pressure points. 

  • Think Substance Over Style When Choosing a Carrier

    By Hayo Magazine

    It may be tempting to buy that sparkly pink carrier, but chances are your pet couldn't care less what their crate looks like. Opt for something that's spacious, comfortable, and well-ventilated.

Hayo Magazine
Hayo Magazine

An indie coffee table–style magazine for travelers curious about arts and culture. To contribute, submit your article pitch to info@hayo.co

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