

Travel Stories Round-Up

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s our weekly round-up of some of the best travel-related articles online for you to enjoy. If you’ve got a story you’d like to share for an upcoming round-up (it can be your own!), be sure to follow us on Twitter @HayoMagazine and tag your...

Travel Stories Round-Up

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s our weekly round-up of some of the best travel-related articles online for you to enjoy. If you’ve got a story you’d like to share for an upcoming round-up (it can be your own!), be sure to follow us on Twitter @HayoMagazine and tag your...

Travel Stories Round-Up

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s our weekly round-up of some of the best travel-related articles online for you to enjoy. If you’ve got a story you’d like to share for an upcoming round-up (it can be your own!), be sure to follow us on Twitter @HayoMagazine and tag your...

How To Plan Your Trip To Tokyo: A Basic Beginner’s Guide

Planning a short trip to Tokyo could seem overwhelming, but after 10 days there, I came to realize how distances work. Here are a few tips on how to organize your itinerary depending on the areas you'd like to go to.The subway map could seem...

10 of the Most Popular Drinks in Asia

Asia is renowned for its mouthwatering cuisine, but its drinks are not too shabby either (in fact, the world's best-selling liquor is Asian: Korea's soju).  From the well-known crowd-pleasers (sake, bubble tea), to those that are more of an acquired taste (civet coffee, fermented mare's...