How To Travel With Jewelry
Whether it is for work or pleasure, traveling with jewelry is usually ‘a must’ for most women and men. From watches to statement necklaces, jewellery can help to diversify a carry-on wardrobe for any occasion. However, knowing what to take and the various ways to protect your beautiful pieces can be tricky. Here are some tips on how to travel with jewelry to help you the next time you plan to jump a train, plane or automobile!
Consider where you are going and the purpose of your trip. Is it for a wedding in Costa Rica? A business conference in New York? A family vacation in Europe? The occasion and the location of your trip can determine the type and amount of jewellery you will pack. For example, your daughter’s wedding in Costa Rica might be the one trip where you bring a family sapphire ring given to you from your grandmother. On the other hand, a family vacation in Europe could call for simple and classic silver pieces that can go with various outfits. Another option to consider, for those more worried about losing or damaging gold or heirloom pieces, is costume jewellery or ‘travel’ jewellery.
No matter what you choose to bring, it is always a good idea to invest in some form of jewelery case or container. You want to keep your pieces organized (the less tangled necklaces the better!) and protected. There are a multitude of options to choose from; a jewellery roll is a very popular case since its soft fabric can fold into smaller spaces. Look for cases made by travel luggage companies such as Conair ‘Travel Smart Jewellery Organizer’, which are designed to isolate each type of jewellery, such as ring loops and necklace pockets.
Tip! To keep your jewellery from getting tangled, loop the chain through a bendy straw.
When you travel, there are two categories for your jewelry: Traveling jewelry and Non-traveling jewelry. The best way to protect both categories during your travel is an insurance policy. There are three options of insurance protection for a person’s valuable property such as jewellery:
Within your home policy sub-limits: Great for multiple, smaller items that don’t have appraisals or documentation. These pieces can sometime be subject to the home policy deductible and limited to the home premises only, which can restrict coverage when you travel.
Attached to your home policy as a schedule/list of pieces: Perfect for wedding rings and other valuables that have recent purchase receipt or updated appraisals. Not normally subject to any deductible. Covers your travelling and non-travelling jewellery.
As a separate Valuable Articles Policy: Ideal for someone who has multiple pieces over the $5,000 mark in value, keeps a safety deposit box of jewelry in addition to the pieces at home or has other valuables such as artwork or valuable wine already on a Valuable Articles policy. No deductible applied. Covers your jewelry anywhere it is located (scheduled and non-scheduled) and ensures that there is protection for new pieces you might pick up on your travels!
“In both business and personal life, I’ve always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.” Ivanka Trump
Photo: Noee.