Tips for Your Next Road Trip
Look at that. It’s the time of year again to pack your family or friends in the car and head out for the open road. Planning the ideal road trip can be a bit exhausting, but we’re right here to help you. Because road trips offer their own set of challenges, here’s a quick look at a few tips that might come in handy.
Make Sure the Car is Ready
In the weeks before you head out for your adventure, it’s critical to ensure that your car is in top shape. This is key for the safety of your passengers and yourself, and a well taken care of vehicle won’t suddenly break down in the middle of nowhere. To that end, be sure that all of the preventive and scheduled maintenance is done before you leave. Change the oil, check all of the critical fluids, and make sure your tire tread is good. You might also ensure that you have the necessary items for changing a flat and that you know how, in the event of one. Above all, make sure that you have the insurance you need – especially if it’s SR22 insurance.
Decide Where to Go and Your Route
Maybe you’re heading to California, maybe you’re heading to Miami. It doesn’t matter as long as you know where you’re going. Plan the route you’ll likely take and any overnight stops. There are a few things that can help you with this. One is an app called OnTheWay and another is a service called Roadtrippers. Both of these can help both in the planning stages and while you’re on the road. If you’re planning to use your GPS device, bring a couple of them because sometimes one will show you quicker routes that the other one won’t.
Have a Budget
Yes, driving will cost less than flying, but there are still a few hidden costs. You’ll need to account for things like food and lodging along with any of the fun stuff that you might stop to do on the way. Don’t forget to plan for fuel costs as well. You can also find a few ways to save money on your way. One way is to stop at rest areas and pick up the free map books. These typically have coupons for lodging and activities in them. As far as gas goes, fill up the day before the trip. Keep the cargo weight to a minimum because the less your car weighs, the less fuel you’ll use. Also, drive the speed limit. This is the safe thing to do, but it can also save you quite a bit of gas on the highway. It also ensures that you won’t get fined for speeding. When it comes to food, you might want to pack some yourself to save costs for eating out. It also saves time because your stops will be more efficient. Above all, be safe and have fun. Pack activities for the kids, your fave playlist, and enjoy the time you have making memories with your family or friends.